Friday, October 11, 2013


Hello all I am a Cuban-American who grew up in Miami and am now living in northern Ohio.  This blog will be my way  of connecting back to my Cuban roots.  The one thing I miss most about Miami is the food!  I grew up eating Cuban food made by my mother and grandmother.  I did not even realize how much I loved and appreciated Cuban cooking until I moved away from Miami and could not find the food I had grown up eating.  Those of you who grew up in Miami, or have lived there can imagine my surprise when I discovered that I could not go to the local bakery and pick up a box of pastelitos, croquetas, emapanadas, papa rellenas, and all the other goodies available on almost every corner in Miami.  Not only could I not go to the local bakery and get these goodies but my local grocery stores are seriously lacking in good old Cuban staples such as malanga, yucca, tasajo, bacalao and the all important Cuban coffee!  I have now decided that I am going to try and cook as many of my old favorite foods as I can (with the ingredients I can find here).
I will be posting my experiments as I go along. 

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